
Welcome, I’m Sarah and with the help of my amazing husband Mike Hobbs we Own/Operate Rosy Cheeks Photo Booth Rentals and would like to tell you all how & why we got started!

For those of you who do not know much about us this journey started many years ago when the dawn of the internet began (lol). Mike is a self-taught computer whiz who has built & designed many successful websites and is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to creating something from nothing!

I on the other hand am not a computer whiz in the least bit, but I do know my social media and love designing my own content. Together Mike & I have created a business we are extremely proud of and can’t wait to experience & captivate the best parts of your lives!

Our inspiration for the name came from our very first precious Grandbaby Evelyn Rose, her existence is what drove us to do better for ourselves and create a future legacy to leave behind for our children and their children God willing!

Well that pretty much sums us up folks! We can’t wait to see where this journey takes us, and we are looking forward to many beautiful moments spent with your families during special times of celebration.

©2024 Rosy Cheeks Photo Booth Rentals
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